
Becoming Minimalist After A Spiritual Awakening - What Changes Within

Becoming Minimalist After A Spiritual Awakening: What Changes Within

Given that you’re reading this, you’ve probably been experiencing what’s known to many as a spiritual awakening. Going through a spiritual awakening can change us to our core as people. Ironically, our cores are usually the only things that don’t change – a spiritual awakening causes a dissolving of values, habits and perspectives that aren’t true to our core beliefs. The awakening process has been described as a burning off of all things unnecessary in our minds and hearts, leaving behind only what’s truly authentic to us on a soul level. In turn, a spiritual awakening is guaranteed to usher in some lifestyle changes. In this article, we’ll be talking about why many people become minimalist after a spiritual awakening and what specifically changes inside of us through this process.

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Why Do People Buy Big Homes? 5 Disadvantages Of Having A Big House

Why Do People Buy Big Homes? 5 Disadvantages Of Having A Big House

For decades, millions of people consider a nice, large home as a cornerstone of being successful. Smaller, simpler homes are referred to as ‘starter homes’, implying that a nicer – most likely larger – house is what’s truly desired in the future, once it’s attainable. Movies, TV and other forms of media glorify large homes, including the mega-mansions owned by celebrities and other extremely wealthy people. We could go on about all the ways big homes are lusted after, including the bigger-is-better mentality of many Americans, but you get the picture. Do big homes really make us happy, though? Why do people buy big homes, other than being ‘groomed’ to desire them? Let’s talk about 5 disadvantages of having a big house that may change your opinion of wanting one.

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Frugal Rich People - 7 Secrets Of Wealthy People Who Live Humbly

Frugal Rich People: 7 Secrets Of Wealthy People Who Live Humbly

When most picture a wealthy person, they imagine flashy cars, the hottest brands and at least one huge house. This is the image of wealth that the media and advertisements have been pushing for decades. In reality, this description does not always correlate with how rich people actually live. Many dress in normal clothes, live in reasonable houses and drive common cars. You most likely know at least one wealthy person that keeps it completely hidden! In this article, we’re talking about frugal rich people and 7 secrets of wealthy people who live humbly.

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7 Crucial Lessons We Can Learn About Minimalism In College

7 Crucial Lessons We Can Learn About Minimalism In College

How many times have you heard a person describe their college experiences as being a “poor student living on Ramen noodles”? Having little money and few resources has become synonymous with the life of a college student at this point. Students are caught in this half-way stage of no longer being a kid, yet not quite being a fully-functioning adult either. When we’re students, we can’t wait to get into the adult world, where houses, cars and spending money will finally fall into our laps. The ironic part is that many adults who have these things look back on their college years with fondness, wishing they could go back to those times for a little while longer with the knowledge they now have. While a portion of this sentiment is due to pining after our youth, there’s another thing we look for – the feeling of being in college again. What if it’s not the college-aspect of that time period that we miss, after all? What if it’s the way we lived our lives instead? The parts of what make our college years so great are actually related to the core philosophies of minimalism. Today, we’re talking about 7 crucial lessons we can learn about minimalism in college!

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7 Reasons Why People Become Obsessed With Material Possessions

7 Reasons Why People Become Obsessed With Material Possessions

On this website, we define the essence of minimalism as living a simple, high-quality life focused on having great experiences and feeling truly content. That said, the desire to live in this manner isn’t exclusively for minimalists. It’s likely that the majority of people on Earth want the same for themselves. So how does materialism and consumerism play into people’s thoughts or actions? In this article, we’ll explore 7 reasons why people become obsessed with material possessions. Let’s dive in.

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6 Philosophies Of Minimalism Realized During COVID-19

6 Philosophies Of Minimalism Realized During COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

The COVID-19 ‘Coronavirus’ pandemic has disrupted the lives of almost everyone on Earth. In a mere matter of months, our way of life has been flipped upside down, making even the most basic daily activities impossible. People are dying and millions of people are going without basic needs. We can’t spend time with loved ones or even go to work. Money is tight, the economy is disrupted and our spirits are truly being tested. In this time, we’re all forced to adapt in some major ways to this ‘new normal’. With these changes in our lives must come changes in our mentalities. Here are 6 philosophies of minimalism we can benefit from internalizing during these trying times.

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Is minimalism for the rich?

Is Minimalism For The Rich? 5 Common Opinions & Our Honest Thoughts

“Minimalism? That’s for rich people!”. We’ve probably all heard that quote somewhere. Whether it be from a parent, elder or anyone in our day-to-day circle, many people hear the word minimalism and immediately picture urban, educated, difference-maker types who go out of their way to be as progressive and “with the times” as they possibly can be. People with extra time on their hands. People who can afford to live light and spend their money on high-quality experiences instead. So, is minimalism for the rich only? In this article, we’ll open up on our honest thoughts about minimalism and the common stigmas associated with it.

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Do Indigenous Tribes Still Exist

Do Indigenous Tribes Still Exist? 4 Tribes In Isolation & How They Live!

In 2019, internet and modern technology is almost everywhere. Whether you’re in downtown Manhattan or rural America alike, you can get phone service and access to the vast, open internet. It’s likely that more than 50% of people worldwide are using the internet at this point. This even includes many third-world countries that are lacking in basic resources. While the internet is of course practical, people also want it…everywhere. With so much connectivity in remote places, do you’re probably wondering “Do indigenous tribes still exist?”. Even with the advancement of technology, some people still live separate from the rest of society – completely separate. In this article, we’ll discuss 4 isolated tribes and how they live their lives!

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Most Popular Second Hand Items

Most Popular Second Hand Items: Our Top 10 List Of Things To Buy Used

As modern-day consumers, our lives revolve around buying things. In 2019, Americans are expected to spend more than $14 Trillion dollars on consumer-related purchases! When we aren’t spending money, we’re lusting after things other people have or being bombarded with advertisements. In reality, a lot of the $14T in consumer-spending is on necessities: mortgages/rent, transportation, groceries, etc. However, plenty of money is spent on items that hardly get used. Most of us have items in our houses that make us think: I never use this! Why did I buy this? How can I sell this?. With so many of us doing this, we’re actually creating an opportunity for other people to buy our like-new second-hand items for a much better price! In this article, we’ll list our most popular second hand items that you can save on!

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How Do I Start A Minimalist Lifestyle

How Do I Start A Minimalist Lifestyle? 6 Simple Steps & Questions To Ask

As people become aware of minimalism, they naturally become curious about practicing it themselves. People are beginning to recognize that they’re living in a cycle of meeting societal expectations and consumerism, which ultimately leaves us feeling unsatisfied. More and more people are beginning to seek satisfaction through experience and quality of life, rather than through material possessions or hitting milestones. Having said all that, one question remains: “How do I start a minimalist lifestyle?”. We’ll discuss a few ways you can start practicing minimalism right now!

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Becoming Minimalist After A Spiritual Awakening - What Changes Within

Becoming Minimalist After A Spiritual Awakening: What Changes Within

Given that you’re reading this, you’ve probably been experiencing what’s known to many as a spiritual awakening. Going through a spiritual awakening can change us to our core as people. Ironically, our cores are usually the only things that don’t change – a spiritual awakening causes a dissolving of values, habits and perspectives that aren’t true to our core beliefs. The awakening process has been described as a burning off of all things unnecessary in our minds and hearts, leaving behind only what’s truly authentic to us on a soul level. In turn, a spiritual awakening is guaranteed to usher in some lifestyle changes. In this article, we’ll be talking about why many people become minimalist after a spiritual awakening and what specifically changes inside of us through this process.

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Why Do People Buy Big Homes? 5 Disadvantages Of Having A Big House

Why Do People Buy Big Homes? 5 Disadvantages Of Having A Big House

For decades, millions of people consider a nice, large home as a cornerstone of being successful. Smaller, simpler homes are referred to as ‘starter homes’, implying that a nicer – most likely larger – house is what’s truly desired in the future, once it’s attainable. Movies, TV and other forms of media glorify large homes, including the mega-mansions owned by celebrities and other extremely wealthy people. We could go on about all the ways big homes are lusted after, including the bigger-is-better mentality of many Americans, but you get the picture. Do big homes really make us happy, though? Why do people buy big homes, other than being ‘groomed’ to desire them? Let’s talk about 5 disadvantages of having a big house that may change your opinion of wanting one.

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Frugal Rich People - 7 Secrets Of Wealthy People Who Live Humbly

Frugal Rich People: 7 Secrets Of Wealthy People Who Live Humbly

When most picture a wealthy person, they imagine flashy cars, the hottest brands and at least one huge house. This is the image of wealth that the media and advertisements have been pushing for decades. In reality, this description does not always correlate with how rich people actually live. Many dress in normal clothes, live in reasonable houses and drive common cars. You most likely know at least one wealthy person that keeps it completely hidden! In this article, we’re talking about frugal rich people and 7 secrets of wealthy people who live humbly.

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7 Crucial Lessons We Can Learn About Minimalism In College

7 Crucial Lessons We Can Learn About Minimalism In College

How many times have you heard a person describe their college experiences as being a “poor student living on Ramen noodles”? Having little money and few resources has become synonymous with the life of a college student at this point. Students are caught in this half-way stage of no longer being a kid, yet not quite being a fully-functioning adult either. When we’re students, we can’t wait to get into the adult world, where houses, cars and spending money will finally fall into our laps. The ironic part is that many adults who have these things look back on their college years with fondness, wishing they could go back to those times for a little while longer with the knowledge they now have. While a portion of this sentiment is due to pining after our youth, there’s another thing we look for – the feeling of being in college again. What if it’s not the college-aspect of that time period that we miss, after all? What if it’s the way we lived our lives instead? The parts of what make our college years so great are actually related to the core philosophies of minimalism. Today, we’re talking about 7 crucial lessons we can learn about minimalism in college!

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Generating Your Own Electricity At Home: A Few Must-Know Methods

Generating Your Own Electricity At Home: A Few Must-Know Methods

In this day and age, we rely on electricity for so many aspects of our daily lives. Even just sticking with the absolute essentials like a radio or a light, we need some kind of power to keep them running. For most of us, getting power is as simple as plugging into a wall outlet. Others living off-the-grid need to get a little more creative. Just because we have access to electricity in our houses doesn’t mean we can rely completely on it, or even want to rely on it i.e. pay for it. In this article, we’re talking about generating your own electricity at home and some must-know methods to do it….and when we say home, that can include living in a tent, RV or remote cabin! Let’s get started.

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Is It Worth Buying A Car? Here Are 6 Factors To Think About

Is It Worth Buying A Car? Here Are 6 Factors To Think About

Americans love cars. Not only have cars been a manufacturing staple in America for many years, but we love to drive them, shop for them and compare them. The ‘road trip’ is a rite of passage. Getting a drivers’ license is a major milestone in a young adult’s life. Pictures of cars are everywhere online – we can even buy them online and have them delivered to our houses at this point. Cars are just cool. All that said, though, there are many things to consider about buying a car before diving in head first. Is it worth buying a car? In this article, we’re going to talk about 6 factors to consider about buying one.

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